In addition to a single-player narrative, Call of Duty: Vanguard will have a multiplayer mode set during World War II, which will be available when the game launches in November. The Vanguard returns the game to its beginnings in World War II, but it also provides players with a separate and parallel narrative that includes four playable characters, each of whom is loosely based on a historical figure from the time period. During the announcement of Call of Duty: Vanguard, Sledgehammer also brought attention to the ongoing lawsuit against Activision, which is the publisher of the Call of Duty franchise, for allegedly encouraging a sexually objectionable culture. Thousands of female employees have come out to relate their stories of harassment they reportedly experienced while working for the firm, which has boosted the lawsuit’s momentum. “The tales and the pain that have been shared are absolutely devastating,” Sledgehammer stated emphatically. This was followed by the statement, “While we are unable to comment on the litigation, what I can say is that as a team, we are dedicated to ensuring that all team members feel secure, welcome, and respected.” In Vanguard, Activision will have the chance to provide gamers in the Call of Duty franchise with a fresh story to experience. Even though there is a single-player campaign that focuses on the origins of the Special Forces, the game tells you the narrative from several points of view. Afterward, there’s the Sledgehammer’s tale, which tells “the unsung stories of international warriors who created Task Force One, altering the course of history and laying the groundwork for modern special operations.” The characteristics of the characters in the game serve as inspiration for the characters in the game. Lieutenant Polina Petrova, for example, is based on the life of Soviet shooter Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who was dubbed “Lady Death” by the public. Aside from the story, there is also a multiplayer mode to play. At the debut, it will include 20 maps and many game types, including one called “Champion Hill,” in which players battle either single or in groups of two or more other players to claim victory. There is also a Zombies mode, which was developed by Treyarch, the same team that developed Black Ops. It also establishes a link between the Vanguard tale and the Black Ops Cold War story. Then there will be a battle-based offshoot of the game, dubbed Warzone, which will be released. The new map, which was developed by Raven Software, will be battle royale in nature and will have an anti-cheat mechanism. According to Sledgehammer, the crossover is “a brand-new metaverse that connects Vanguard, Black Ops Cold War, and Modern Warfare.” In North America, Call of Duty: Vanguard will be released on November 5 for the Sony PlayStation 4, Sony PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, and PC. In India, the price of the console would begin at Rs 3,999.