What is FOSS?

As per the reports, Swatantra will have Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Incubation Centre & Training Space. FOSS allows users to run any program for any purpose without any restrictions. They are even allowed to modify the program according to their requirements or likings, distribute either the original version or their modified program freely. Coming to ICFOSS, it’s basically an institute of Kerala government responsible for marketing and popularizing FOSS at a world-level. If you are unaware, let me tell you that FOSS is not a thing. In 2001, the southern state Kerala became the first state in Country to officially adopt FOSS IT policy. After that, in 2009, IFCOSS has been started by the state government in Thiruvananthapuram. Moving further, in March 2015, a new policy has been announced on the adoption of FOSS by the central government of India. Kerala also has a Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment (SPACE) society with a goal of promoting Free Open Source Software (FOSS) in various areas like academics, governance, corporate and individual use. The society is supporting FOSS to also generate employment opportunities in Kerala. SPACE is currently having members from academics, the IT industry, professional societies and the Government of Kerala. Also Read: What is Open Source Programming? How to Get Involved?

Host Your Own Software Treasure Hunt

ICFOSS has also been conducting a free online software treasure hunt for the last seven years called ‘Swatantra international conference.’ Users can also host their won treasure hunts within an hour. The website’s source code released by SPACE is available on Github under GPL 3.

World s Largest  Free and Open Source  Facility Launched in Kerala - 72