Considering straightforward motion control of ZANO. Tilt your telephone or tablet left or right, forward or regressive and ZANO will take after. ZANO can likewise be used in “Free Flight” mode, utilizing on-screen Joy Sticks. On screen slide bars control pivot and elevation. ZANO will hold its position unless trained generally (In both “Catch” mode and “Free Flight” mode), which considers most extreme control and innovative opportunity without the trouble of guiding ZANO.

In the event that ZANO faculties it’s strayed too a long way from your savvy gadget or is running low on battery, it will naturally come back to your shrewd gadget. Working on a virtual tie additionally empowers “Follow me” capacity in ZANO. Which implies once you set ZANO’s hold position, it will enroll the separation it is from your keen gadget. You can pick for ZANO to hold this position or empower a “Follow me” emphasize, which will teach ZANO to continually keep up that separation from your brilliant gadget and tail you whilst evading any obstructions that may get it in the path amid flight. ZANO comes complete with a removable battery characteristic! This implies a client can convey various charged batteries, and when ZANO is beginning to run low on juice, basically bring ZANO home, haul the battery out, put a charged battery in and you’re back flying in a matter of moments! ZANO’s battery can be charged whilst it is docked inside ZANO through a standard Micro USB association, and with a basic connector ZANO’s batteries can be charged whilst outside of ZANO. ZANO Will be charged in under 30 minutes, 4 to 5 times for every charge of the stick. 2200mah.


Revolutionary Intelligent Flight and Autonomous Operation, complete with Obstacle Avoidance – Don’t fly it. Assignment it! Lightweight and Durable. Advantageously bring ZANO with you wherever you may go. Instant picture and feature offering ability to informal organizations. Digital Image Stabilization – For clear and exact picture and feature catch. Safe – Failsafe programming peculiarities guarantees ZANO will dependably come back to your cell phone in the event that it feels its strayed too far, is losing sign or is running low on battery. ZANO will never leave your observable pathway! Free Flight Mode – Have complete control of ZANO with on screen Joy-Sticks, while even now catching and imparting photographs and videos.